A14.8 Requirements for Ladder Accessories

ANSI-ASC 14.8-2020


This standard is for accessories used on individual ladders only and prescribes rules for governing the safe design, construction, and testing of accessories used in conjunction with a portable wood, metal or reinforced plastic ladder. This standard is limited to those accessories specifically defined.
Devices which may or may not be an integral part of the ladder, and without which the portable ladder cannot function in its intended manner such as hinges and hinge brackets, rung or step braces, locks and lock brackets, spreaders and top caps are not included in this standard. Replacement parts of essentially the same design and construction as the component being replaced are not included in this standard unless they are a component of the accessory itself.
It is intended that all ladders employing accessories covered by this standard comply with the requirements of the most current applicable American National Standard Safety Requirements For Portable Wood, Metal or Reinforced Plastic, ANSI A14.1, A14.2, and A14.5 respectively


The purpose of this standard is to provide reasonable safety for life, limb and property. This standard may serve as a basis for purchasing requirements, instruction and training of personnel and preparation of brochures, manuals, etc., regarding safe ladder and ladder accessory use, care and maintenance.
This standard is intended to provide guidelines for the safe design and construction of ladder accessories covered by this standard. It is also intended to provide the manufacturer of ladders and ladder accessories with a set of design, performance and construction requirements to which this product may be compared. It is not the purpose of this standard to specify all the construction details or materials to be used for portable ladder accessories, but rather to provide general requirements and testing methods.



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(Earlier standard editions are available by contacting the American Ladder Institute at (216) 241-7333.

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