ANSI and ASC A14 Committee

ANSI and the ASC A14 Committee 

The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) oversees the creation and use of thousands of norms and guidelines that directly impact businesses in many sectors, including construction equipment, agriculture, sound devices, and energy distribution. A non-profit organization headquartered in NYC, ANSI also supports accrediting programs that assess conformity to voluntary standards, both nationally and internationally.

A14 Committee
The Accredited Standards Committee (ASC) A14 assumes the responsibility for developing the Standards which govern design, construction, testing, selection, care, and safe use of ladders. Seven Standards are currently developed by the A14 Committee, and are sold to manufacturers, contractors, governmental agencies and those in the legal profession. Subcommittees exist for each standard, headed by a Chair and comprised of subject experts; standards are revised on a five-year cycle.

Is your organization is interested in participating in the development of ladder safety standards under the American National Standards Institute Accredited Standards Committee A14? If so, please complete the A14 Committee application and submit it to the ALI office. We understand that Secretariat from the A14 Committee will be in touch to discuss our participation, the approval process and details of the next scheduled meeting.

If you are interested in participating on an A14 Subcommittee, please contact the ALI office for an application.

If you have any questions please contact the A14 Secretariat Susan Orenga at (216) 241-7333 or by email at

The current A14 Committee roster can be found here.

Comment Form or Request for Interpretation
Any question, comment or request for interpretation of an ASC – A14 Standard may be directed to the ALI through use of the comment form. Please fill out the form and email The appropriate Subcommittee members will be contacted for a response. Please allow up to 60 days for an Interpretation. 

Click here to fill out a Comment/Question Form

Click here to submit a Request for Interpretation

Letters of Interpretation
Click here if you would like to view letters of interpretation for a specific standard.  

Errata sheets will be issued if an error in printing is discovered followed the release of a revised standard. Notices of corrections will be posted on our website with access to the correction. Standards purchased after the issue date of the errata shall include this information. 

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